Chiu, Tai-Shan(邱太三)
Name Chiu, Tai-Shan(邱太三)
Extension 04-23323456 #1810
Job title Chair Professor
Expertise Civil law practices, Criminal law, Juridical system, Law-making policy, Mainland policy and legal system
Websites T-portfolio
Office Hour Office Hour
Education PhD., College of Law, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Project Title Period
102年度辦理「為民服務及訴訟輔導」實施計畫 (20131217122915) 2013.01 ~ 2013.12
Year Paper Title
2012 pp. 28-30, 2012
2009 刀之兩刃──論我國羈押制度之立法變遷與問題, 國家發展研究第9卷第1 期, pp. 1-36, Dec. 2009
2009 刀之兩刃──論我國羈押制度之立法變遷與問題, 國家發展研究, vol.9 no.1 pp.1-36, 2009
2009 2009
2004 pp. 52-53, 2004
2003 pp. 121-146, 2003
Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 85U00470A 民法債編總論(二) 113