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Welcome Message

Dear  visitor,

on behalf of the entire faculty I cordially welcome you at the Department of Financial and Economic Law of Asia University.

Our department was founded in 2001. Catering to the arrival of knowledge-based economy, globalization of information technology competition, and the demand of national economic and trade development, this department is established in accordance with leading motto and principles of our school: "care", "vigor", "innovation" and "excellence"

  It has since devised professional curricula in line with the trends of modern society's development and tailored to its demand for well trained professionals in the field of Financial and Economic Law, including namely the Financial and Economic Law De­part­ment Core Courses, the Financial and Taxation Law Program, the Intel­lectual Property and Information Law Program and the Business Management Law Program which are among the first of their kinds in this country.

  The students at our department can choose courses from many a wide variety of subjects including banking and finance, biotechnology law, commercial law, corporate law, criminal law, intellectual property, international law, law and social justice, legal jurisprudence, legal process and skills, public law, and transportation law, to name just a few. While these subjects range from the theoretical to the practical, our  overall objective is to provide our students with a liberal education through the medium of law that will help and allow them to develop and unfold their individual potential to the fullest degree.

  Asia University, for its innovative and energetic approach being repetitiously ranked No. 1 among all newly established universities has been recognized as one of the "Teaching Excellence" Universities by the Ministry of Education in 2006, and has been granted a large-scale project for promotion of teaching resources and measures.

  These outstanding awards are both to us, an honor and confirmation for what has already been achieved and an encouragement and ongoing permanent obligation for the future to do even better.

  Our mission is to form and cultivate students with expertise in the field of financial and economic law, strength in legal analysis and logic, awareness and grasp for international trends and perspectives as with sound character and morals as well as with a strong sense for personal and social responsibility.

  Our didactical approach particularly stresses the importance of the integration and combination of traditional jurisprudence with financial and economic science, of technology and practicability.

  We wish to form and cultivate excellent professionals in the field of financial law.