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Student Care


   1. Provided by the School:

  • Freshman scholarship is up to 3,600,000 NTD maximum.
  • Any student of the Department who meets applicable requirements for university scholarship can apply for freshman scholarship, excellent academic performance scholarship, research merit scholarship, scholarship for low income students, founders scholarship for outstanding students.

   2. Provided by the Department:

  • Our kind Classmate, He, Siou-Yu, personally provides 60,000 NTD per year for low income students who have great academic performance in the Department.

   3. Provided by the Other University:

  • Li-Mo Foundation subsidy can be applied by excellent students who are above 3rd grade (postgraduate excluded) and recommended by any of law schools or law departments. Each college or university has only three applicants.

   4. Scholarship offering please refer to:

Legal Internship Factory: Appoint students for summer internship activities in
township offices all over the country under the arrangement of Legal
Internship Factory.

Constitutionality Education: Conduct constitutionality education for
elementary school students in middle Taiwan as applied and planned by the

Public Institution Internship: Assign at least five students for internship activities in district prosecutors office or juvenile detection houses.
Court Internship: Students are free to apply for summer internship activities
in district courts all over the country.

Constitutionality Service: The Criminal Procedural Law course of the
Department has entered a cooperative agreement with National Taichung
School for the Visuall and Huei Ming School respectively for providing
constitutionality education service.

Internship in Business:
 1. The Learning and Career Developing Center has made up relevant methods and course completion explanations for all programs and entered cooperation with over 30 businesses to offer 351 jobs for students. Asia University Internship and Employment Program will help to develop students’ working skills by arranging skill courses, starting from freshman through sophomore.
 2. Students who attend in Asia University Internship and Employment Program and do well will be awarded with subsidy.
Student Care Service:
Career Consultants: assist students in learning and life planning.
Class Teachers: help students to blend in college life.
Mentors: informally interact with students and lead them to see, explore and support them to solve problems and grow, just like a master and a disciple.
Business Teachers: introduce students with industrial trends and jobsite practices to enhance their quality of employment in the future.