Tang, Shu-Mei(唐淑美)
Name Tang, Shu-Mei(唐淑美)
Extension 04-23323456 #1809
Job title Professor and Associate Chairman
Expertise Bioethics, Biotechnology Law, Intellectual Property Rights
Websites T-portfolio
Office Hour Office Hour
Education PhD., Faculty of Law, The University of Sheffield, U.K.
  • Professor, Department of Financial & Economic Law, Asia University
  • Director of Financial & Economic Law, Asia University
  • Visiting Scholar of the University of Oxford, Durham University, the University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Director of Global Bio-Industry Technology Development Foundation
  • Principal Investigator of projects sponsored by Ministry of Science and
  • Technology & National Science Council
  • Chief Editor of Bio-Industry Technology Management Review
Project Title Participator Period
AI對於新聞傳播之威脅、挑戰與契機 (MOST 108-2634-F-468-001-) 陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、薛榮銀、陳啟英(Chi-Ying Chen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2019.01 ~ 2019.12
推動教育場域融入奈米科技風險之社會意涵~「科技風險溝通政策導向型 (MOST 103-2511-S-468-005 -) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、翁裕峰、顏上詠 2014.12 ~ 2016.04
國家DNA資料庫之擴增與隱私權之探討 (101-asia-08) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2013.02 ~ 2014.01
102年度辦理「為民服務及訴訟輔導」實施計畫 (20131209155229) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2013.01 ~ 2013.12
102年度受保護管束人「緩起訴處分被告法治教育」實施計畫 (20131209155035) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2013.01 ~ 2013.12
中區區域性研究倫理治理架構建置後續推動計畫 (101-2420-H-039-001-) 林正介、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
從智慧財產權議題研究台灣中醫藥產業管理 (101-2410-H-035-046-) 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
利他主義之再思考:臺灣生物資料庫參與者之智慧財產權與參與動機之探討 (100-asia-45) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2011.12 ~ 2012.11
推動中醫藥國際化及前瞻性政策規劃類:中醫藥研究成果推廣與應用 (20110524095232) 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2010.11 ~ 2011.11
奈米科技重大治理與其責信議題之調查研究 (99-3011-P-035-001) 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2010.10 ~ 2011.09
轉譯醫學法律、倫理及社會議題之先導性研究 (DMR-100-075) 林正介、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2010.08 ~ 2011.07
中區區域性研究倫理中心建置計畫 (99-2420-H-039-001-MY2) 林正介、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2010.05 ~ 2012.07
生醫資訊及隱私權保護探討 (98-NSC-04) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2009.08 ~ 2010.07
從倫理、法律、社會議題探討台灣生物銀行與英國生物銀行之比較研究 (98-3112-H-035-001-) 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2009.05 ~ Up to today
基因體醫學相關產業應有之法律與倫理治理架構:以再生醫學之異種移植之應用為例 (97-3112-H-035-001-) 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2008.05 ~ 2009.07
基因體醫學相關產業應有之法律與倫理治理架構:以再生醫學之異種移植之應用為例 (96-3112-H-035-001-) 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2007.05 ~ 2008.07
DNA證據在台灣司法之運用及其所涉法律或倫理議題之研究 (95-3112-H-468-001-) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2006.05 ~ 2007.04
基因體醫學相關產業應有之法律與倫理治理架構:以再生醫學之異種移植之應用為例 (95-3112-H-035-001- ) 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2006.05 ~ 2007.04
臉部辨識在網站購物之應用及其社會影響-應用臉部辨識於網站購物之倫理、法律及社會衝擊之探討 (95-2745-P-468-004-) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2006.02 ~ 2007.01
DNA證據在台灣司法之運用及其所涉法律或倫理議題之研究 (94-3112-H-468-001-) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2005.05 ~ 2006.04
DNA證據在台灣司法之運用及其所涉法律或倫理議題之研究 (93-3112-H-468-001-) 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang) 2004.05 ~ 2005.04
Year Book Title
2020 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 施茂林教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, Jul. 2020
2020 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 施茂林教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集, Reforming the Criminal Justice System Forensic Expert Witness in Taiwan, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, Jan. 2020
2017 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 法律探微今與明的新學思, 國家DNA資料庫之建置規範, 聯經出版公司, Jan. 2017
2016 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理, 新學林出版股份有限公司, Apr. 2016
2016 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen), Gewirthian Perspectives on Human Rights, Confucianism and Gewirthian Human Rights in a Taiwanese Context, Rouledge, Jan. 2016
2016 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理~第六章, NANOTECHNOLOGIES: BIG GOVERNANCE ISSUES FOR THE SCIENCE OF SMALL (IN TAIWAN AND BEYOND), 新學林出版股份有限公司, Jan. 2016
2016 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理~第五章, NANOTECHNOLOGY: THE NEED FOR THE REGULATION OF ELSI ON THE INVISIBLE GIANT, 新學林出版股份有限公司, Jan. 2016
2016 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理~第四章, 美國奈米生物科技發展政策, 新學林出版股份有限公司, Jan. 2016
2016 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、周于舜(Yu-Shun Chou), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理~第三章, 國家發展奈米醫學風險治理規範 ─以國際風險治理委員會(IRGC)之架構為借鏡, 新學林出版股份有限公司, Jan. 2016
2016 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、周于舜(Yu-Shun Chou), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理~第二章, 探究當前奈米科技風險治理之國際規範, 新學林出版社, Jan. 2016
2016 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理~第一章, 奈米科技潛在風險與法律規範, 新學林出版社, Jan. 2016
2016 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 奈米科技發展政策與風險治理~緒論, 緒論:奈米科技風險治理之理念與建構, 新學林出版社, Jan. 2016
2015 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 法學發展新趨勢~第三章, 「胚胎植入前組織配對篩檢」與人性尊嚴之探討-以普遍一致原則為中心, 新學林出版股份有限公司, Jan. 2015
2011 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 法律風險管理, 華藝出版社, Jul. 2011
2011 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 法律風險管理~緒論, 緒論:法律風險管理之理念與建構, 華藝出版社, Jan. 2011
2011 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 法律風險管理~第十章, 論新興生物科技之法律風險-從「台灣生物資料庫」建置之窘境談起, 華藝出版社, Jan. 2011
2010 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 70th Prof. Dr. Bintan R. Saragih, S.H., Wildan Akademika dan Universitas Ekasakti Press, Aug. 2010
2010 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 70th Prof. Dr. Bintan R. Saragih, S.H., Empirical Analysis of DNA Profiling in Courts in Taiwan, Wildan Akademika dan Universitas Ekasakti Press, Jan. 2010
2006 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 歐洲聯盟人權保障, 歐盟生物科技指令與人權, 中央研究院歐美研究所, Jan. 2006
2003 唐淑美(顏上詠、唐淑美)、, 2003電子商務研究選輯, , 逢甲大學電子商務研究中心, Jan. 2003
Date of Publication Paper Title
2024.01 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), The Policy for the Regulation of ELSI on the Nanotechnology , The 1st International Conference on Law, Policy, and Politic “Investment and Humanity ; Charting New Paths in Policy, Jan. 2024, Indonesia/Bengkulu
2023.12 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、莊晏詞(Chuang, Yen-Tzu), Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights , The 5th Borobudur International Symposium: Smart and Sustainable: The Synergy of Green Technology and Digital Society, Dec. 2023, Indonesia/Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelan
2023.12 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、莊晏詞(Chuang, Yen-Tzu), Nanotechnology: The Need for the Regulation of ELSI on the Invisible Giant , The 5th Borobudur International Symposium: Smart and Sustainable: The Synergy of Green Technology and Digital Society, Dec. 2023, Indonesia/Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelan
2023.12 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Sustainability and Technology Innovation: The Need for the Regulation of ELSI on the Nanotechnology , The 5th Borobudur International Symposium: Smart and Sustainable: The Synergy of Green Technology and Digital Society, Dec. 2023, Indonesia/Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelan
2023.12 Shang-Yung Yen、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 數位科技及人工智慧科技應用之法律問題 , 藝術與設計暨法律研討會, Dec. 2023, 台灣/國立虎尾科技大學
2023.12 Shang-Yung Yen、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), ESG及生成式AI法律議題之挑戰淺析 , ESG公司治理論壇, Dec. 2023, 台灣/國立台中科技大學
2023.12 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Space , International Seminar on Liability and Mediation Mechanism for Medical Disputes, Dec. 2023, Taiwan/Asia University
2023.12 莊晏詞(Chuang, Yen-Tzu)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Legal Risks for ChatGPT in Medical Practice , International Seminar on Liability and Mediation Mechanism for Medical Disputes, Dec. 2023, Taiwan/Asia University
2023.05 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Chat GPT: The Good,The Bad,The Ethical,Legal,and Social Implications , 生成式AI與數位科技法律論壇, May. 2023, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學
2022.11 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 應用AI於醫療照護中之法律和道德風險 , 2022 亞洲大學趨勢科技與法律風險論壇, Nov. 2022, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學
2020.11 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、Yordan Gunawan, AI, Fake News and Free Speech , 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, Nov. 2020, TAIWAN
2019.11 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Legal Implications for the Applications of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Medicine:Ethnicity, Specific Evidence on Governance and Public Acceptance of Taiwan Biobank - 2019 International Conference on the Legal Risks of Artificial Intelligence and Medicine, Nov. 2019, TAIWAN
2018.05 Biobank Governance: Taiwan Biobank , ASIAN CONFERENCE ON COMPARATIVE LAWS, May. 2018, INDONESIA/ YOGYAKARTA
2018.01 Jau-Cheng Chen、Shang-Yung Yen、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Investigation on patented key technology trend predictions for cleaning robots , BAI / ISTEL Tentative Conference Program, Jan. 2018, 日本/Okinawa
2017.07 Shang-Yung Yen、Ya-Chen Lai、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), An Exploration of Intention to Use M, Commerce Apps Based on the Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model: An application Real Estate as an Example. - 2017 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2017), Jul. 2017, Japan/Hiroshima
2017.03 The Impact of Terrorism Law on Law and Legal Processes, Mar. 2017, UK/Oxford/ The Manor Road Building, The University of Oxford
2017.02 The Ethics of Confucianism and Gewirthian Theory , Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences (CELLS) Seminars, Feb. 2017, UK/Durham University
2016.10 Colloquium on the Fundamental Rights of Refugees and the Displaced, Oct. 2016, UK/Oxford/All Souls College,The University of Oxford
2016.01 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Nanotechnology: The Need for the Regulation of ELSI on the Invisible Giant , 2016法律風險國際學術研討會, Jan. 2016, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學
2015.10 醫療案件偵查中移付調解之探討(論文與談人) , 第三屆台中醫法論壇, Oct. 2015, 台灣/台中/中山醫學大學
2015.04 104年度教育部智慧財產權經營管理實務研習, Apr. 2015, 台灣/雲林/國立雲林科技大學
2014.11 主持: 2014年商事法學術研討會第一場次 , 2014年商事法學術研討會, Nov. 2014, 台中
2014.08 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 跨領域法學課程設計, 以生物科技法學課程為例 - 2014年第五屆海峽兩岸法學院校長論壇, Aug. 2014, 台北
2014.04 主持: 國際量刑制度研討會 , 亞洲大學國際量刑制度研討會, Apr. 2014, 台中
2013.10 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 迎向市場開放, 青年的機會與挑戰 - 「走向開放之機會與挑戰-台灣青年因應對策」研討會, Oct. 2013, 台中
2013.05 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), An investigation of key successful factors of biotechnological industry performance in Taiwan ~ also an analysis of traditional Chinese medicine , Technology Innovation and Industrial Management 2013, May. 2013, Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa, Phuket Thailand
2012.10 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Research on Public Acceptance on Governmental Biobank , The 10th Canada-Taiwan Conference in Higher Education, Oct. 2012, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2012.05 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 論人體試驗暨研究倫理之理念與衝擊 , 醫療與法律風險研討會, May. 2012, 中國醫藥大學附設醫院
2011.07 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), An Investigation of Governance Issues and Its Accountability for Nanotechnology in Taiwan , Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Jul. 2011, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2011.07 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Nanotechnologies: Big Governance Issues for the Science of Small (In Taiwan and Beyond) , Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Jul. 2011, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2011.01 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 受試者保護與人體試驗委員會 , 自然科學與社會行為科學研究倫理工作坊, Jan. 2011, 逢甲大學
2010.10 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Genomics, Biobanks and Governance: Challenges for Taiwan Biobank, The Case of Indigenous Peoples - Workshop for Biotech Policy and Public Communication in Post-Genomic Era, Oct. 2010, Taina, Taiwan
2010.08 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Genomics, Biobanks and Governance, 11th Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC11), Aug. 2010, Singapore
2010.05 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 公眾對『台灣生物資料庫』有關倫理、法律與社會議題態度之調查研究 , 差異與連結:STS、工程與社會, May. 2010, 台南
2009.11 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 論新興生物科技之法律風險, 從「台灣生物資料庫」建置之窘境談起 - 亞洲大學財經法律學系法律風險管理專題研究發表會, Nov. 2009, 台中
2009.10 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), A survey of the attitude of scientists toward Xenotransplantation in Taiwan, Joint meeting IPITA, IXA 2009 ( - International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association & International Xenotransplantation Association, Oct. 2009, Venice, Italy
Year Paper Title
2024 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, 假新聞規範與言論自由之探討, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.12 pp.1-11, 2024
2023 Susan Margaret Belcher、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.11 pp.38-48, 2023
2022 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, 含有萊克多巴胺食品之預防性標示:食品安全避風港還是無法承受之負擔?, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.10 pp.1-12, 2022
2022 Rofi Aulia Rahman、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, Fake News and Internet Shutdowns in Indonesia: Symptoms of Failure to Uphold Democracy, Constitutional Review, vol.8 no.1 pp.151-183, 2022
2021 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, The Examination of National DNA Database in Taiwan, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.9 pp.16-29, 2021
2020 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, Reforming the Criminal Justice System: Forensic Expert Witness in Taiwan, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.8 pp.23-38, 2020
2020 ROFI AULIA RAHMAN、AKHMAD AL-FAROUQI、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, Should Indonesian Copyright Law be Amended due to Artificial Intelligence Development?: Lesson Learned From Japan, NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management, vol.9 no.1 pp.34-57, 2020
2019 唐淑美*, Taiwan Biobank: Ethnicity-Specific Evidence on Governance and Public Acceptance, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.7 pp.63-76, 2019
2018 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 公眾對『台灣生物資料庫』有關倫理、法律與社會議題態度之研究, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, 2018
2018 Shawn H.E. Harmon、Shang-Yung Yen、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Biobank Governance: The Cautionary Tale of Taiwan Biobank, SCRIPTed, vol.15 no.1 pp.103-129, 2018
2017 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*、顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen), 「臺灣人體生物資料庫」發展歷程與ELSI困境, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.6 no.1 pp.71-90, 2017
2017 Shang-Yung Yen、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, Justifying the Case of John Moore v Regents of the University of California from a Gewirthian Perspective, NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management, vol.6 no.1 pp.28-45, 2017
2016 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*、周于舜(Yu-Shun Chou), 探究當前奈米科技風險治理之國際規範, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.5 no.2 pp.1-34, 2016
2015 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 跨領域法學課程設計-以生物科技法學課程為例, 法學教育研究, vol.12 pp.147-162, 2015
2014 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), DNA鑑定於親子關係爭端中扮演之角色, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.5 no.1 pp.61-74, 2014
2013 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), DNA Profiling and Population Genetics, Bio-Industry Technology Management Review, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.4 no.1 pp.21-40, 2013
2013 Shawn H.E. Harmon、Shang-Yung Yen、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Nanotechnologies: Big Governance Issues for the Science of Small (In Taiwan and Beyond), Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, vol.11 no.1 pp.50-72, 2013
2013 顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、周于舜, 國家發展奈米醫學之人體風險治理核心規範初探, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.4 no.2 pp.1-14, 2013
2012 黃仲瑜、黃純英、黎瑞明、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, 親子鑑定中短片段重複多型性STR突變之分析, 生物產業科技管理叢刊, vol.3 no.1 pp.41-60, 2012
2012 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 我國健康食品之管理及法制規範, 生物產業科技管理叢刊, vol.3 no.2 pp.97-117, 2012
2011 3. 顏上詠、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 美國個人化醫學發展淺析――以法制問題暨其對策為中心, 醫事法學, vol.18 no.1 pp.21-31, 2011
2011 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 美國奈米生物科技發展政策, 生物產業科技管理叢刊 Bio-Industry Tehcnology Management Review, vol.3 no.1 pp.87-104, 2011
2011 Shawn H.E. Harmon、Shang-Yung Yen、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, Invigorating 'Nanoethics': Recommendations for Improving Deliberations in Taiwan and Beyond, Nanoethics, vol.5 no.3 pp.309-318, 2011
2010 顏(Shang-Yung Yen)、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)*, The Jurisprudence of Natural Law and Human Rights in Confucianism, International Journal of Philosophy, vol.2010 no.1 pp.85-112, 2010
2010 Shang-Yung Yen(Shang-Yung Yen)*、Sheng-Ming Lee、Chin-Fu Tu、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、de Dieu, Tapsoba Jean, A survey of the attitude of scientists toward Xenotransplantation in Taiwan, TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, vol.42 no.6 pp.2117-2121, 2010
2010 顏上詠、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), Global Health Governance: A Gewirthian Perspectives on Taiwan’s Status in the WHO, East Asian Law Journal, vol.1 no.2 pp.29-40, 2010
2010 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 「胚胎植入前組織配對篩檢」與人性尊嚴之探討-以普遍一致原則為中心, 東海大學法學研究/Tunghai University Law Review no.33 pp.79-124, 2010
2010 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、顏上詠、陳祖裕、林正介, 受試者保護與人體試驗委員會, 醫事法學, vol.17 no.2 pp.1-12, 2010
2009 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), The Recognition of Human Rights in Taiwan based on A Rationally Moral Theory--The Principle of Generic Consistency, International Journal of Philosophy, vol.2009 no.1 pp.77-102, 2009
2009 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 論英國國家DNA資料庫擴增之爭議, 刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集, vol.12 no.1 pp.285-314, 2009
2008 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), The Legal and Social Implications of Real-time Driver’s Physiological State Monitoring Facilities, Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, vol.3 no.1-4 pp.69-78, 2008
2007 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 基因資料庫之隱私權保護監督機制, 醫事法學, vol.14 no.3-4 pp.52-59, 2007
2007 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、顏上詠、顏于翔、洪德俊, 應用生物辨識於網站購物之隱私權探討, 產業論壇, vol.9 no.2 pp.103-117, 2007
2007 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 加拿大國家DNA資料庫之隱私權探討, 警學叢刊, vol.38 no.2 pp.73-92, 2007
2005 顏上詠、陳冠旭、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 論英國生物銀行之「告知後同意」, 清華科技法律與政策論叢, vol.2 no.2 pp.189-224, 2005
2005 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、李介民, 使用刑事DNA資料庫之法律疑義, 警學叢刊, vol.36 no.3 pp.281-299, 2005
2005 顏上詠、貝俐珊、莊晏詞、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 中草藥之智慧財產權保護, 東海大學法學研究/Tunghai University Law Review no.23 pp.251-296, 2005
2005 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), 刑事DNA資料庫之擴增與隱私權之探討, 東海大學法學研究/Tunghai University Law Review no.23 pp.83-122, 2005
2004 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、陳冠旭, 論歐盟基因改造食品標示之法制規範, 清華科技法律與政策論叢, vol.1 no.1 pp.191-238, 2004
2004 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、李介民, 我國司法實務有關DNA鑑定對刑事犯罪認定有效性之分析, 東海大學法學研究/Tunghai University Law Review no.21 pp.43-98, 2004
2003 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)、顏上詠(Shang-Yung Yen), Forensic Uses of DNA Tests in Taiwan, Journal of Chung-Shang Medicine, vol.14 no.1 pp.131-144, 2003
1997 唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), IS element ISXC6 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris., DNA SEQUENCE, vol.7 pp.221-223, 1997
1991 Lin CS、Chen KS、Lin MC、Fu MC、唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang), The Relationship Between Anterior Motion of the Mitral Valve and the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Doppler in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL, vol.122 no.0 pp.1671-1682, 1991
Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 GOG00487A 愛情、性別與法律-2 113
大學日間部 GOG00488A 娛樂、智慧財產權與法律-2 113
大學日間部 GOG00488B 娛樂、智慧財產權與法律-2 113
研究所碩士班 MGM00042A 國際與兩岸經貿法制專題研究 113
研究所碩士班 MGM00045A 生物科技專利理論與實務 113
Year Research Title Authors
104 兩岸「商標搶註」之研究 賴苡任
102 由2013教育部人才培育白皮書論數位學習教材著作權爭議與法制因應 蔡宜源
Year Project name Advising professor Department Student name
104 著作權法第三章修法後對創作人的衝擊 唐淑美 財經法律學系 曾如青
Award Name Awarding Unit
102學習社群成果競賽 (第二名)(指導老師)
Visiting Scholarship to Script The University of Edinburgh
2006 Canadian Studies Scholarship Faculty Research Program Canadian Trade Office in Taipei